LOMAH – Location Of Miss And Hit
a computerized scoring system for rifle or pistol. In military situations it can also be used with mortars and tanks.
What is LOMAH
A sensor at the target end of the range detects the passage of the projectile through a target and feeds back an “X / Y” coordinate to a video display screen at the shooting station.
The sensor system is a set of microphones that detect the supersonic “boom” of the projectile passing overhead. This information is wirelessly transmitted back to the computer at the shooter’s side which displays a graphic interpretation of the Location Of the Miss And Hit.
The target shape is irrelevant – it is only the position of the “hole” that is relayed back to the shooter’s monitor. The target can be any shape.
There are six microphones that detect the “sonic boom” of the projectile passing overhead and then relay the “X & Y” coordinate to the shooter’s screen. Projectile must be traveling at supersonic speed when it passes over the LOMAH.
As a projectile passes over the “listening” microphones, it generates a sonic boom that is detected by the system. The X/Y coordinates are calculated, and if the “hit” position is within the target defined outline, the “lifters” drop the target flat, to simulate a hit. (The projectile doesn’t knock the target down, the computer does – and upon control, puts it back up.)
The target shape can have a shock-sensor “glued” to it; when the sensor is activated / vibrated, the “Lifter” can lower the target for a short time (programmed in), then raise it back up, independent of the LOMAH sensing.
Scenarios can be built in to the software to “play” various games or sniper practice drills. (e.g. it may take 3 fast hits to kill / lower the target. OR, one to the head and two heart shots to “kill” the target.
Further, the LOMAR system is FAST……. It can record multiple shots in quick
succession, even from a machine gun. (These systems are in extensive
military use.)
So, the target “lifter” is really a “glorified” target.
Software can help us to define our target.
The initial setup requires “matching” the target shape and position to
the LOMAH bar and the computer image. A laser registration device
is used to achieve this – feeding its readings back to the control
computer. An image of the target is imbedded into the software.
Once calibrated, the computer remembers the target form and the
user / shooter can select what shape he is shooting at.
A library of targets and images can be stored.
Once the library is built (1, 5, 20, 100 target shapes),
there is no need to set up the system each time.

Why Lomah

LOMAH can provide immediate feedback to soldiers to help them improve their shooting skills, while tracking rounds fired on or near targets to support basic rifle marksmanship training strategies. LOMAH utilizes acoustic sensors to detect hits or misses on or within a two-meter radius of a target. The sensors then relay the results to a LOMAH shooter`s monitor (ruggedized Android-based system) at the firing point and/or to the range control station. Designed for most service rifles, LOMAH automatically calculates the shot group to provide the shooter with corrective data.

LOMAH is able to detect hits and misses for targets at different shooting distance. The ranges equipped with LOMAH target system can be conducted three marksmanship tasks on one range, including grouping and seroing (at distance), practicing qualification and qualification versus using three different ranges to complete the tast of Zeoring (at 25 metres), and confirming zero at disttance (normally conducted on known-distance range) and qualifying. The monitor is designed to guide the shooter through the procedure, providing fail safe instructions (clicks to Correct /Zero) and allowing zero in no time.

Significantly, embedded on a qualification range, LOMAH allows all three tasks to be completed on one single range. Soldiers are able to move more quickly through the tasks because each lane is run independently and shooters do not have to wait until the slowest/worst shooter has achieved the training objective. Thus, time saving allows soldiers to qualify more quickly.