System Purpose
The portable folding stationary shock wave T-bar target is mainly used for outdoor shooting
training, supporting shooting with various weapons such as toy guns, air guns, rifles, military and police pistols, and heavy machine guns.
During training, it is possible to simulate the external characteristics of hypothetical enemy targets and their sudden appearance and covert actions. Support high-precision target reporting, unaffected by weapon caliber and projectile speed; It
can meet training needs such as precision shooting and applied shooting.
System Composition
Portable stationary t-bar
Portable stationery shock wave targets are
designed to be portable, with a light weight
arget and short deployment time. The target
calculates the location of the impact point
based on the spatial geometric relationship
between the impact point and the sensor
array by analyzing the process of projectile
ncidence. Meet training requirements for precision
shooting, application shooting, and more.
Master server
The main control server is equipped
with a highly configured notebook
computer and server management
software , whichis convenient for
controlling , viewing , statistics , and
querying the firing performance of units
or individuals.
Shooter monitor
Communication system
It can instantly display
information such as the shooter's
score and impact point while
shooting , and can help the
shooter correct accuracy. Real time recording of firing points , voice reading of hit scores, and
automatic recording of aiming
points and firing point data.
A high - power commu n icatio n
system can provide 2.4G wireless
services , providi ng a cleaner
wireless environment, and more
stable wireless access. Be able to
accurately transmit signals from
the target and the master control
server to each other within a range
of 1-500 meters.
System Interface
Complete Target
Operating System
Shooter Display
Master Server
Communication System